District of Columbia (Medicaid) - Quick Reference, What You Need to Know...

Search Options

1. Provider, Begin Date, and Recipient ID.
2. Provider, Begin Date, Social Security Number, and Date of Birth.
3. Provider, Begin Date, Last Name, First Name, and Social Security Number.
4. Provider, Begin Date, Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth, and Sex.


Response Data

The following information is based on a generic “Health Benefit Plan Coverage - 30” inquiry.
This document is not intended to identify every scenario that may be presented in the payer response.
It should also be noted, that the payer response may vary depending on the search criteria used in the initial inquiry. 
Some content is no longer returned in the X12 5010 271 response.  In a similar fashion, some content has been
modified and new response information may be returned.  Information that appeared consistent between the
4010 and 5010 responses was not presented in this document.